Day 1

from to Room1 Room 2
0900 1000 Registration
1000 1100

Keynote & Matriux Launch by Mr. Alok Vijayant. Director Information Dominance Group, MHA, Govt of India

1100 1200  Rohas Nagpal - Indian IT Act 2000 vs 2009  Manindra Kishore - Incident Handling and Log Analysis for Web Based Incidents
1200 1300  Anant Kochar - Revealing the Secrets: Source Code Disclosure, Techniques and Impacts  Abhijit Tannu - Facilitate Collaboration with Information Rights Management
1300 1430


1430 1530  Nikhil Wagholikar in abstentia of K K Mookhey - Risk Based Penetration Testing  Suhas Desai - Open source for securing data with advanced Crypto-Steganography technology
1530 1630  Vinoo Thomas & Rahul Mohandas - India Cyber Crime Scene - Caught in the Crossfire  Lavakumar Kuppan - Lust 2.0 – Desire for free WiFi and the threat of the Imposter
1630 1730  Kush Wadhwa - Advance Computer Forensic concepts (windows)  Gursev Singh Kalra - Mobile Application Security Testing

Day 2

from to  
0900 1200  Security and Hacking 101 - Null Pune
1200 1300


1300 1600  Cloud Security - Advance Hacks and Exploits - By Shreeraj Shah

Day 3

Schedule of the roundtable conference along with panelists can be seen here